Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doubts over BNP man's title claims

There was confusion last night over whether Norwich North's British National Party (BNP) candidate has the credentials to call himself “reverend”.

The Rev Robert West is at the centre of a row over his ministerial moniker, which he claimed was genuine - even though he admitted he had no current connection to any Christian denomination.

When questioned, Mr West, who lives in Holbeach in Lincolnshire, said: “It's been dealt with once and I don't have to justify myself.”

He said he had explained himself and shown his ordination certificate on a TV show in recent months, and said he had been advised “not to go through it all again”.

He said he had been “ordained as an elder” of the Apostolic Church of Wales some years ago. He claimed the word “elder” in the New Testament came from a Greek word meaning “priest”.

Mr West, who will be bidding to win the vacant Norwich North seat once the by-election date has been announced, said: “Ordination means recognition. It's simply recognition of what you are. It recognises your gifts.”

Meanwhile, UKIP leader Nigel Farrage was in Norwich yesterday outlining how his party planned to reach out to traditional Labour voters and Tories disenchanted with David Cameron's Conservative Party.


At 4:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOTA will be fielding a candidate this will be their first leaflet:

The Honorable Shysters

They tried to hide it, a security risk?
So we can’t see, they took the mick
‘I did no wrong, it was in the rules'
They takes us for a bunch of fools.

Honorable gentlemen and ladies too
I heard one bloke claimed for his loo.
Another claimed for porn and plugs
They just don’t get it, but whose the of mugs?

Flipping their homes not giving a toss.
’Its in the rules, what is the fuss?’
’To be with my partner’ is one of the pleas.
’They gave the thumbs up in the office for fees’.

Arrogance and hubris they both spring to mind.
Some suggest criminal but I’m trying to be kind
I want to be measured not wanting to gloat
Then somebody mentions, ‘cleaning a moat’.

The exe’s factor comes home to roost
None of the Above, receives a boost.
'An honest mistake, I’ll pay it back'
’With a bit of luck I’ll avoid the sack.’

‘I followed the rules’ so many have spoke
It don’t seem to matter that the spirit was broke
But finally seeing, its not a defence.
They offer reform to make recompense.

They’re Shyster and Spongers and suckers are we
Been at it for years but we couldn’t see.
They had our trust that they then abused
No wonder we’re angry and feeling bemused.

Too little too late, many have said
Time for a change vote for NOTA instead.
One lady asked, “What does NOTA mean love?”
I smiled and replied ‘None of the above’.

At 4:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since politicians will not permit None of the Above on the ballot paper, NOTA will act as the repository for all those who wish to vote for 'None of the Above' at the forthcoming by election in Norwich North. NOTA Candidates only stand in order to facilitate the option of ‘None of the Above’ for those members of the electorate who would otherwise not vote.

*NOTA was registered as a political party on the 2nd March 2009.

NOTA (None Of The Above) exists to advocate, promote and facilitate the principle of the positive abstention facility on ballot papers in future elections.

• Separates apathy from antipathy in a quantifiable way.
• All legitimate consent requires the ability to withhold consent; "None of the Above" gives the voter the ballot option to withhold consent from an election to office, just as voters can cast a "No" vote on a ballot question.
• Would end the "must hire" elections where voters are often forced to vote for the least unacceptable candidate, the all too familiar "lesser evil."
• Voters would decide the fate of the political parties' choices, instead of the parties deciding the voters' choices.
• Many voters and non voters, who now register their disapproval of all candidates for an office by not voting, could cast a meaningful vote.
• Political parties would nominate candidates knowing those candidates must be a better choice for voters than "None of the Above."
• Follow-up by-elections are far less costly than electing unacceptable candidates to office.
• It is a relatively simple, fair, sensible, accomplishable and permanent improvement to our current system, hopefully making for a more democratic and ultimately stronger Britain.

NOTA-an idea whose time has arrived


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